Messages from some of the beneficiary institutions
Dr. Adeeb -ul-Hassan Rizvi (Director SIUT, Karachi)
The INFAQ Foundation was the first organization to recognize and support kidney transplantation programme in the country. The Foundation is the finest example of sponsoring the transfer of high technology for the benefit of the people of Pakistan, particularly the underprivileged members of the society.
Prof. Azhar Masood A. Faruqi (former Executive Director NICVD, Karachi)
The National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, Karachi, is one of the many healthcare institutions which have benefited from help given by the INFAQFoundation.
Mr. Imran Khan (Chairman SKMCH&RC, Lahore)
INFAQ Foundation has been one of the most important donors for SKMT. The hospital has received regular and substantial support every year from INFAQ. The contribution of such donations towards building and supporting national institutions is crucial.